

We, the members of the SA Traditional and Holistic Wellness Association t/a SATHWA, unite under a common purpose, guided by a shared commitment to the promotion, preservation and advancement of Traditional and Holistic Practices in South Africa. Rooted in the rich tapestry of our diverse cultural heritage, SATAHWA is dedicated to fostering a harmonious coexistence of traditional healing methodologies and contemporary healthcare.


SATAHWA exists to be the unifying force for Traditional Healers and Wellness Practitioners striving to create an inclusive platform that celebrates and elevates the contributions of traditional and holistic wellness to the well-being of individuals and communities. 

Professional Development Support:

SATAHWA may offer support for the professional development of accredited members through workshops, or training programs.


Adherence to Code of Ethics and Conduct:

  • Accredited members must adhere to the Code of Ethics and Conduct set by SATAHWA, upholding the highest standards of professional and ethical behaviour.
  • Continued Professional Development: Accredited members are responsible for engaging in continues learning and professional development to stay updated on the industry trends and best practices.
  • Compliance with Legal Requirements: Members must comply with all legal requirements related to their practice, ensuring that they operate within the boundaries of applicable laws and regulations.
  • Professionalism: Accredited members are expected to maintain a high level of professionalism in their interactions with patients, client, colleagues and the community
  • Contribution to Community Development Members is encouraged to contribute positively to the development of the traditional healing and wellness community.

Ethical Practices:

  • Members are responsible for ensuring ethical practices in their professional activities, prioritising the well-being and safety of their patients.
  • Promotion of SATAHWA Values: Accredited members should actively promote and uphold the values, mission and objectives of SATAHWA in their professional practice.
  • Cooperation with SATAHWA Initiatives: Members are encouraged to cooperate with SATAHWA in its initiatives, including research projects, community outreach programs and educational campaigns.

Contribution to SATAHWA Programs:

  • Members may be invited to cooperate to SATAHWA programs, events or public based on their expertise and experience.
  • By understanding and fulfilling these rights and responsibilities, accredited members play a crucial role in upholding the values and standards of SATAHWA and contributing to the growth and development of the traditional healing, ethnomedicine and holistic wellness field.

Governance Structure of SATAHWA

Founding Members:

Individuals who played a pivotal role in the establishment and foundation of SATAHWA. May hold an honorary position with advisory roles, contributing insights and guidance based on their historical involvement.

Managing Director:

The founding members of SATAHWA is responsible for providing leadership and direction to the organization. Presides over meetings, represents SATAHWA in official capacities and ensures the organization’s overall well-being.


Appointed by the Managing Director and will support the Managing Director in his/her duties and assumes responsibilities in his/her absence.


Manages administrative tasks, maintains record of meetings, and handles official correspondence. Ensures accurate documentation of SATAHWA’s activities and facilitates communication among members.


Manage financial matters, including budgeting, financial reporting, and overseeing funds. Ensures fiscal responsibility and transparency in financial transactions.

Executive members:

Executive Members elected by the Managing Director and Directors to represent their interests and concerns.

General Members:

Comprise the broader membership base of Traditional Healers, Wellness Practitioners, Manufacturers and Retailers.

Advisory Council:

Composed of experienced individuals with expertise in Traditional Healing, Wellness or related fields. Provide guidance and expertise to SATAHWA, offering valuable insights to enhance organizational fields.

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Managing Director: Strategic leadership, representation and overall organisational oversight.
  • Directors: Support the president, assume duties in their absence and oversee specific areas.
  • Secretary: Administrative management, record-keeping, and communication facilitation.
  • Treasurer: Financial management, Budgeting, and transparent handling of funds.
  • Executive members: Advocate for members, convey concerns and contribute to decision making.
  • General members: Actively participate and contribute to discussions and engage in organizational activities.

This governance structure ensures a collaborative and inclusive approach to SATAHWA’s leadership, involving elected representatives and fostering a sense of community among members.


  1. Financial Management Guidelines:

  • Development of financial management guidelines to ensure prudent and transparent fiscal practices.
  • Discussion on the budgeting process, including the allocation of funds for various activities and initiatives.
  • Agreement on reporting mechanisms, frequency and accessibility of financial reports to members.

  1. Auditing and Accountability:

  • Consideration of mechanisms for regular auditing of SATAHWA’s financial records.
  • Discussion on the appointment of external auditors or an internal audit committee.
  • Emphasis on accountability and transparency in financial matters.

  1. Budget Approval Process:

  • Outline of the procedure for approving the annual budget.
  • Discussion on member involvement in the budget approval process.
  • Agreement on timelines for budget preparation, review and final approval.

  1. Financial Sustainability:

  • Exploration of strategies for ensuring the financial sustainability of SATAHWA.
  • Consideration of sponsorships and partnerships.
  • Discussion on how financial resources will be utilized to achieve SATAHWA’s mission and objectives.

  1. Funds Collection and Management:

  • Identification of channels for funds collection, including membership fees, donations, and other revenue streams.
  • Development of a secure and transparent process for managing collected funds.
  • Establishment of a dedicated bank account for SATAHWA to centralise financial transactions.
  • The financial management guidelines shall provide a solid framework for the organisation’s fiscal responsibility and sustainability, ensuring that resources are effectively managed and aligned with the goals of SATAHWA.

  1. Operating Costs and Expenditures:

  • Comprehensive breakdown of anticipated operating costs, including administrative expenses, office space, utilities and other overheads.
  • Discussion on staff remuneration, benefits and any Professional body fees associated with the organizations operations.

  1. Budget Allocations:

  • Allocations of funds for specific purposes.
  • Clear delineation of budgetary priorities based on the organization’s mission and strategic objectives.

  1. Financial Reporting:

  • Establishment of a regular financial reporting mechanism to keep members informed about the financial health of SATAHWA.
  • Consideration of financial statements, balanced sheets and income statements for transparency.

  1. Financial Controls:

  • Implementation of internal controls to safeguard against financial mismanagement or fraud.
  • Development of procedures for financial oversight, including audits and periodic reviews.

  1. Banking and Account Management:

  • Selection of a reputable bank for the organization’s banking needs.
  • Discussion on signatories and authorisation for financial transactions.
  • Clarification on procedures for handling financial disbursements and approvals.

  1. Financial Controls, Audits and Reviews:

  • Introduction of robust financial controls to ensure accountability and prevent financial mismanagement.
  • Specification of internal audit process to periodically review financial transactions and adherence to financial policies.
  • Consideration of external audits for an unbiased assessment of financial practices and compliance.
  • Implementation of recommendations arising or reviews to continuously improve financial management practices.

These financial management provisions will ensure that SATAHWA operates with fiscal responsibility, transparency and accountability, thereby building trust among its members and stakeholders. These measures will help maintain the financial integrity of SATAHWA and builds confidence among members, partners and other stakeholders in the organization’s financial operations.

  1. Protection of Personal Information:

  • Acknowledgment of need to protect information in accordance with data protection laws.
  • Discussion on privacy policies and measure to safeguard member’s personal information.
  • Incorporation of data protection principles in the constitution and bylaws.

These supplementary considerations are imperative to guarantee that SATAHWA functions in a contemporary and responsible fashion. This entails integrating electronic participation options, upholding ethical principles through codes of conduct, complying with financial regulations, and prioritizing the safeguarding of members’ personal information.

Benefits for Members:

A fully up to date website with Active members website:

  • Access to educational resources and training programs.
  • Participation in SATAHWA events, workshops and conferences.
  • Networking opportunities with diverse stakeholders in the traditional and holistic wellness industry.
  • Inclusion in SATAHWA’s directory of practitioners, manufacturers and retailers.
  • Exclusive updates on legislative developments in industry trends.

Membership application category:

SATAHWA aims to embrace to a broad spectrum of individuals and entities dedicated to the promotion and development of traditional and holistic wellness in South Africa. Membership is open to those who align with our mission and objectives. The following categories are designed to accommodate diverse stakeholders’ contribution to the richness and inclusivity of holistic healthcare.

Membership application category:

Some categories may lead to conditional accreditation.  


Traditional Health Practitioner – using indigenous knowledge and plants for healing


Diviner – Sangoma – performing rituals in healing supported by indigenous herbs


Diviner – Nyanga – work with indigenous plant medicine for healing


Diviner – Prophet * – profiteering according to Ancestral/Christian beliefs


Traditional Birth attendant – attends to women during pregnancy, labour. Use herbs


Traditional surgeon *


Ethnomedicine Practitioner – focus on herbal remedies for various ailments


Traditional master/tutor/teacher


Herbalist – qualification in herbal medicines


Natural Health Practitioner – improves health using natural medicines and techniques


Cell Nutrition Practitioner * – micro mineral treatment supported with herbs


Iridologist* – detect unbalanced conditions in the iris and treat with herbal medicine


Biofeedback practitioner * – Using a scanner to detect unbalanced tissue


Wellness & Lifestyle Practitioner * – aids clients in setting and achieving health goals


Chirology & Counselling * – physiological signals from the body support with herbs




Herbal Product Manufacturer *


Herbal Product Retailer *

 *Subjected to additional requirements.

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